Native Pollinators
Bring back the native pollinators with flower seed. We carry many different flowering varieties from dryland to irrigated gardens.
Availability can vary but here is a list of what can have or can bring in for you.
Alpine Penstemon
Appar Blue Flax
Annual Flax
Annual Sunflower
Yellow Beeplant
Arrowleaf Balsamroot
Bandera Penstemon
Black Eyes Susan
Bee Feed Flower Mix
Butterfly Mix
Colorado Columbine
California Poppy
Red Chief Poppy
Cornflower tall mixed
Dryland Flower Mix
Firecracker Penstemon
Gooseberry Leaf Globemallow
Grey Stripped Sunflower
Lacy Phacelia
Maple Grove Flax
Maximilian Sunflower
Wild Geranium
Mexican Hat Coneflower
Mountain Lupine
Mountain Wildflower Mix
Munros Globemallow
Narrowleaf Penstemon
Palmers Penstemon
Prairie Coneflower
Purple Coneflower
Rocky Mountain Beeplant
Shasta Daisy
Showy Milkweed
Scarlet Flax
Sulfur flower buckwheat
Western Wildflower Mix
Western Larkspur
Other Flowering Varities
Delar Small Burnett
Antelope Bitterbrush
Rubber Rabbitbrush
Hairy Vetch
Cereal Buckwheat
Yellow Sweet Clover
Red Clover
Ladino Clover
Austrian Winter Peas
Cicer Milkvetch
And many more !